Summer in Baja

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Back in Full Swing

After two years of frustrating pandemic disruptions, Siloé is once again humming with activity! Our clinic team has already seen 3,400 medical and dental patients in 2022–that’s more than all of 2021!

A typical weekday at Siloé this summer means patients young and old being seen by our two staff doctors; dozens of patients receiving essential dental care from rotating dental teams; individual nutrition consults with our licensed nutritionist; and many opportunities for impromptu prayer and relationship building.

Medical missions teams dried up in the spring of 2020, so it’s been really great to welcome them back this year! We recently hosted a weekend dental clinic with a pediatric dental office from Arizona (above), and we’re looking forward to welcoming more groups later this summer and fall.

Founders Update

Many of you are aware of the health battle that our co-founder, Brendan Mayer, has been fighting for nearly a year and a half. We’re really happy to report that he’s doing well, and has improved steadily in recent months! The Mayer family is still primarily based in San Diego, where Brendan continues treatment and rehabilitation. But Praise God, he’s recovering and getting stronger day by day. Thank you for your prayer and support during this journey!

The Clinic Team is Expanding!

The Siloé team in La Mision continues to grow! In recent months, we have added a second Mexican doctor, Raquel, our own pediatric dentist, Paty, and Betsy, a nursing assistant. These three young professionals join our core group of six full time staff members, several U.S. volunteers, and three regularly rotating Mexican dentists. We’ll also be welcoming a nursing intern from Biola University later this summer!

Your financial support has enabled us to add critical new professionals to our clinic team–and to reach even more families in La Mision, who otherwise have few, if any, options for healthcare. The need is great, and you are making a difference!

Can You Believe It’s Been FOUR Years?

Four years ago, in July 2018, we held the grand opening for the Siloé Wellness Center in La Mision. More than 400 members of our community (and many of you!) celebrated that momentous day with us–the culmination of a three-year, volunteer-powered, construction project.

It’s so gratifying now to see the facility being used to its full potential that we envisioned at the outset! The housing is occupied, the clinic and courtyard are full of patient activity–and even the community gardens are bursting with growth. We are still so honored and humbled that God used us to build an oasis of tranquility that will be a centerpiece in our community for years to come. Here’s to the next four years!