Our COVID-19 Relief Program

brendanmayer Coronavirus

Our region of Baja is enduring extreme economic hardship due to COVID-19. We have been surveying our patients, and approximately 60% report having lost their jobs or had their pay reduced during the past few weeks. With the peak summer months unlikely to bring significant tourism or economic activity to our community, we are bracing for a long, slow recovery.

Thankfully, Siloé is in a great position to help! Many of you have donated to our Family Fund this spring, allowing us to expand our relief programs for local families during the pandemic crisis.

We continue to partner with our church to provide weekly grocery “despensas” for needy families. These include lots of locally sourced produce and staples such as pasta, rice, flour, and oil.

In addition, we are also now giving out gift certificates for a local fruit and vegetable market–thereby encouraging our patients to eat healthy while supporting a great local business! We sponsored 25 vouchers last week, and will continue to expand this new program over the coming weeks.

Thank you to those that have donated to our family fund! You are making a real, tangible difference for hundreds of families in our valley.